24 May 2011

Artists that make me happy

  • Jan van Eyck. I like that painting of the Renaissance couple; I don't remember what it's called.
  • Mary Cassatt. Her mother and child paintings are so sweet.
  • Dali. Melting clocks are cool. When I found out that painting was called The Persistence of Memory, and not "Melting Clocks," my mind was blown.
  • M.C. Escher. Born on my birthday and his optical illusions give me a headache, in a good way.
  • Vincent van Gogh. He is a huge inspiration to me. To have so much emotional pain but produce artwork that shows ecstatic beauty of the world shows an amazing talent. It makes me want to turn my pain into something beautiful too.
  • Edward Hopper. His work fascinates me. You could write a novel about most of them.
  • Degas. Ballerinas, remember?
  • Monet. How can you not love waterlilies?
  • Renoir. I just love the impressionists.
  • Klimt. I just really like all the gold and geometry.
  • Warhol. Who doesn't love soup and Marilyn Monroe?
  • Lichtenstein. Comic book art is cool.
  • Peter Max. Freaking awesome.
  • George Barbier. French fashion illustrator of the 1920s. Love his flapper portraits.
  • Toulouse-Latrec. Can can dancers are cool.
  • Norman Rockwell. The ultimate happy artist.

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