31 May 2011

Random things

Apologies, I've been too busy doing nothing at all of importance and feeling like a normal human being this weekend to update. But these are the things that I've done since Friday that make me happy.

  • Being alone. There's a difference between being alone and lonely.
  • Meeting all my nerd friends at a lousy pizza buffet for lunch.
  • Shopping with friends.
  • Blank journals with smooth leather covers.
  • Doing the things I love with people, not alone. I introduced Grace to the wonderful world of antique shopping. It's more fun when you're not alone.
  • Old magazines and advertisements.
  • Funny dated books about sex, beauty, manners, history, science, politics, geography, etc.
  • Old sheet music
  • Old books
  • Old jewelery
  • Mary Ruth's annual party. Movie projector on her patio, film we largely ignore, talking till all hours, friends I've not seen in six months, but we pick up where we left off, and I laugh more and harder than I do any other night of the year. We talk and laugh through the night. Friday it was especially poignant. Mary Ruth lives in an area totally destroyed by the April 27th tornado. Her house was okay, but still damaged. Friday was one month exactly from the tornado. It killed over 40 people, my hometown destroyed. We drank a toast amidst the destruction for the day we all grew up. Even the grown ups grew up. For our city. For each other. For hope. For the fact that people are inherently good. For the fact that it is entirely possible to depend upon the kindness of strangers.

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