20 June 2011

Hot actor edition

Here's a list of actors who make me happy.

  • Robert Redford. I love The Sting. Besides, he was so hot. I mean WOW. Sadly, he now looks like an old boot.
  • Paul Newman. Wow, what a man. I love the fact that he and Joanne Woodward were married for almost 50 years. His charity work is also incredible. And those gorgeous blue eyes.
  • Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor. So attractive in a very quirky way. And British.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch. He's Sherlock Holmes in the new BBC series Sherlock. He is also extremely attractive. I guess my type is tall, pale, and dark-haired. Just like me.
  • Jimmy Stewart. So adorable. Mr. Smith goes to Washington, It's a Wonderful Life, Rear Window, Vertigo, and Harvey. His voice is awesome.
  • Cary Grant. Ooh la la.

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